Does anyone still visit Steven and Kiki's blog? I thought I would post a couple pictures here just in case...
The kids are growing like weeds! Rocco is getting big. He's eating baby food, and trying to crawl. He's such a pleasant baby...and a real charmer too!
And Olivia has assumed the role of big sister quite well. She's, shall we say? Authoritative? Just like her similarly-aged-cousin-who-will-remain-nameless (ahem), she's got a little bossy streak in her.
But could you honestly resist a face like this??
Yeah, didn't think so!!
Everyone is gearing up for the holidays, and some holiday travel. We'll be hoping for some snow up here, but only because the Miami Family is coming up for Christmas!
Thought I might share a couple onesies on here that Rocco would look totally cutesy in...

And on that note, we're all looking forward to sharing Rocco's first Christmas with everyone! Let the holidays begin!