Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Big OOPS... gave generously to the March of Dimes... did that by sending me a check sometime in March or April....
IF...your name is not "Heather and Steve"...

I received your check, but it got lost somewhere in my opened mail, probably because I was so excited about getting the new phone book paying my bills hanging up the kids' artwork just being my usual disorganized self. I even dug through our trash looking for them to no avail, and not only was I unable to find your checks, but now my clothes and hands smell like rotten apples and dirty diapers. Graphic indeed, but true!

But don't despair- I made your contributions anyways- I just didn't want you to worry when your check doesn't clear from your checking account. If you feel so obliged and would like to send me another check (made out to me instead of March of Dimes), that would be wonderful, but I certainly don't expect it because...I'm just dumb and this was totally my mistake. If I find your check, I will send it back to you. (I don't want you think I'm scamming you or something!)

I am so, so sorry, and hope this doesn't in anyway change your opinion about March of Dimes and what a great cause it is. Thanks to everyone's generosity, I raised a total of $1221.33 (even my kids raised $6.33 by helping around the house and collecting spare change and putting it in the "Box for Tiny Babies"!), well over my goal of $500. I thank you, Rocco thanks you, all the premature and sick babies at my work thank you, and all the babies who are yet to be born sick or healthy thank you! Look for pictures from the walk this weekend!


Heather said...

Yet another instance showing me that it really does pay off to be a procrastinating slacker who turns things in at the LAST possible second! This is not good motivation for me to do things early or ahead of time....

Thanks for doing all of this Jen. The March of Dimes is a wonderful organization and you helped raise a great amount of money for a good cause. Rocco is lucky to have such a great Aunt!