Friday, March 14, 2008

Support a Cause...

May 10th is the March of Dimes "March for Babies" in our area. It is a 5-mile walk at Lock 3 in Akron to raise funds to help support research about premature birth. More information can be found at

For friends (and family) of Steven and Kiki who don't know me, I'm Steven's sister-in-law. I work as a neonatal nurse practitioner in the NICU at Aultman Hospital in Canton. I take care of tiny and/or sick babies every day. I thought I understood what a family goes through when they have a premature birth. I really had no idea.

A group of nurses from my work has walked every year for March of Dimes in support of the babies we take care of every day in the NICU. I haven't walked with them in the past. This year is different.

I (and maybe my kids) are going to walk in honor of Kiki and Rocco. We will support the March of Dimes research and cause, and pray that my children don't have to experience preterm birth when they have their own babies, or that if they do, there are organizations such as the March of Dimes to support them through their journey.

I hope that some of my readers might like to donate, or walk with me. Please e-mail me if you are interested in supporting a good cause-