More news from Miami...I talked with Steven at lunch time today. The doctors repeated an ultrasound to check Kiki and the baby, and found that the amniotic fluid around the baby is continuing to decrease.
A quick "Amniotic Fluid 101" for all the "beginners" out there- Amniotic fluid is all the water that surround the baby when he's in the mother's womb. It's not really water- it's "baby pee". The baby's kidneys are constantly making more fluid. The baby also swallows the fluid and inhales it into the lungs when he practices breathing. Believe it or not, the fluid helps make the lungs expand and grow. It also helps coat the baby's tummy and get his belly ready for milk. Having enough fluid is a sign that the baby is doing good.
Even after a mom's water breaks (like Kiki's), the baby continues to make more fluid. This fluid can reaccumulate around the baby, or it can continue to leak out. When the fluid neither reaccumulates nor leaks out, it could mean the baby has stopped making fluid, which is not good.
So, although the baby's fluid amount has decreased, it's not necessarily bad news. The doctors will do another ultrasound in the next 1-2 days and decide at that time what the next step will be. If her fluid amount is not better, then they will evaluate her closely for why that is not happening, and whether the baby needs to be delivered.
Therefore, the next ultrasound is very important. It is still a possibility that "Champ" could be delivered at any time. They are constantly monitoring his heartrate and his activity, as well as keeping Kiki on strict bedrest to prevent any further complications. The concern of infection still remains, but the probability that she has any infection right now is pretty low. Kiki is on a bunch of antibiotics to protect her and the baby, but remains high risk of acquiring an infection in the hospital.
For anyone who is new to norch.com, Glad you're joining us! I'm trying my best to keep everything current here, so anyone can check from work, from home, from school. Steven and Kiki are getting a HUGE volume of phone calls, and having to explain everything a hundred times is not easy. If you do call Steven or Kiki and they don't answer, it's possibly because they catching some much needed zzzzzz's, or talking with doctors, or doing something else important. Leave a message, and Steven or Kiki will return your call at a time that's better for them.
Steven is also checking in at norch.com, and can read your comments, so if you just want to let them know you are thinking of them or praying for their family, leave a comment and they will get it. Also, I should have an address sometime in the next couple days. Contact me if you would like to send a card or package (I won't be posting their address on the internet).
Again, thank you again for all your support and prayers. Our entire family is truly touched by everyone's genuine caring and concern. We'll keep you updated! Thanks for visiting!